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Selected Publications

If you would like to get access to any of the publications or presentations below, or would like to inquire about speaking engagements, please get in touch with me using the information on the Contact page or email me at

Journal Articles

Rajendram, S., Nadarajah, K., Leong, L., Gambino, S., & Shah, P. S. (2023). Dilemmas of modern neonatology: care of extremely preterm infants. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 195(7), E267-E270.


Rajendram, S., Burton, J., Wales, W., & Bale, J. (2022). Examining teacher candidates’ pedagogical practices and stances towards translanguaging and multimodality in writing. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics [Special Issue – Writing Pedagogy with Linguistically Diverse Language Learners and Users: The Nexus of Multilingualism, Multiliteracies and Multimodalities], 25(3), 33-65.


Rajendram, S., Burton, J., & Wong, W. (2022). Online translanguaging and multiliteracies strategies to support K-12 multilingual learners: Identity texts, linguistic landscapes, and photovoice. TESOL Journal.


Rajendram, S., & Shi, W. (2022). Supporting international graduate students’ academic language and literacies development through online and hybrid communities of practice. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 60.


Rajendram, S. (2022). “Our country has gained independence, but we haven’t”: Collaborative translanguaging to decolonize English language teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics [Special Issue - Social Justice in Applied Linguistics: Voices of Early Career Scholars].


Govindarajoo, M. V., Rajendram, S., & N. Sundari Subasini. (2022). Exploring reader responses to young adult literature in the Malaysian English language classroom. Studies in English Language and Education, 9(1), 331-348.


Kerekes, J., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Zhang, Y. (2021). Teachers’ takes on supporting multilingual learners in K-12 classrooms in Ontario. TESL Canada, 38(1), 1-27.


Rajendram, S. (2021). The cognitive-conceptual, planning-organizational, affective-social and linguistic-discursive affordances of translanguaging. Applied Linguistics Review.


Rajendram, S. (2021). Translanguaging as an agentive pedagogy for multilingual learners: Affordances and constraints. International Journal of Multilingualism.


Rajendram, S., Larson, E., & Sinclair, J. (2020). International graduate students’ perspectives on high-stakes English tests and the language demands of higher education. Language and Literacy, 21(4), 68-92.


Eisazadeh, N. & Rajendram, S. (2020). Supporting young learners through a multimodal digital storytelling activity. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research [Special Issue – Digital Technologies and Early Childhood], 9(1), 76-98.


Burton, J., & Rajendram, S. (2019). Translanguaging-as-resource: ESL instructors’ language orientations and attitudes towards translanguaging. TESL Canada Journal [Special Issue – Language and Higher Education], 36(1), 21-47.


Stagg Peterson, S. & Rajendram, S. (2019). Teacher-child and peer talk in collaborative writing and writing-mediated play: Primary classrooms in northern Canada. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 42(1), 28-39.


Stagg Peterson, S. S., Rajendram, S., & Eisazadeh, N. (2019). Multimodal meaning-making during play in two northern Canadian Indigenous kindergarten classrooms. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 39(4), 392-407.


Sinclair, J., Larson, E. J., & Rajendram, S. (2019). “Be a machine”: International graduate students’ narratives around high-stakes English tests. Language Assessment Quarterly, 16(2), 236-252.


Karram Stephenson, G., & Rajendram, S. (2019). “This barrier between”: The ethnic divisions of higher education in Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates. Higher Education, 7(5), 889-903.


Stagg Peterson, S. S., Eisazadeh, N., Rajendram, S., & Portier, C. (2018). Young children’s language uses during play and implications for classroom assessment. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(2), 23-31.


Eisazadeh, N., Rajendram, S., Portier, C., Stagg Peterson, S. (2017). Indigenous children’s use of language during play in rural northern Canadian kindergarten classrooms. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 66(1), 1-16.


Rajendram, S., & Govindarajoo, M. V. (2016). Responding to literature texts through films in English and the L1. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 5(2), 56-63.


Rajendram, S. (2015). Potentials of the multiliteracies pedagogy for teaching English Language Learners (ELLs): A review of the literature. Critical Intersections in Education, 3, 1-18.






Book Chapters

Rajendram, S. (2021). The affordances of translanguaging as a pedagogical resource for multilingual English language classrooms in Malaysia. In K. M. Bailey & D. Christian (Eds.). Research on teaching and learning English in under-resourced contexts (pp. 185-198). Routledge & TIRF.


Gagné, A., Rajendram, S., & Wattar, D. (2021). Working toward equity and engagement in an online course for future K-12 teachers. In I. Fayed & J. Cummings (Eds.). Teaching in the post COVID-19 era: World education dilemmas, teaching innovations and solutions in the age of crisis (pp. 603-618). Springer.


Rajendram, S. (2020). A pedagogy of multiliteracies and its role in English language education. In J.  K. Shin & P. Vinogradova (Eds.), Contemporary foundations for teaching English as an additional language: Pedagogical approaches and classroom applications (pp. 151-159). Routledge.  


Rajendram, S. (2020). Positioning students as language experts through multilingual storytelling activities. In F. D. Floris & W. A. Renandya (Eds.) Inspirational stories from English language classrooms (pp. 75-78). TEFLIN Publication Division.

Burton, J., Wong, W., & Rajendram. S. (2020). Creative multimodal poetry and spoken word activities to support multilingual English language learners in K-12 classrooms. In H. Elsherief & M. Masson (Eds.), Every teacher is a language teacher. (Vol. 1) (pp. 5-25). University of Ottawa Second Language Education Cohort (cL2c).


Rajendram, S. (forthcoming). The affordances of translanguaging as a pedagogical resource for multilingual English language classrooms in Malaysia. In D. Christian & K. M. Bailey (Eds.). Research on teaching and learning English in under-resourced contexts. Routledge & TIRF.


Karram Stephenson, G., & Rajendram, S. (2017). Expanding access while narrowing outcomes: The paradox of Malaysia’s international branch campuses. In H. C. Alphin Jr., R. Y. Chan, & J. Lavine (Eds.). Exploring the future of accessibility in higher education (pp. 88-103). IGI Global.

Book Reviews

Rajendram, S. (2017). Review of the book Language development: The lifespan perspective, by A. Gerstenberg & A. Voeste (Eds.). Language in Society, 46(1), 118-119.


Rajendram, S., Masson, M., & Larson, E. J. (2017). Unpacking myths about collaborative work in higher education. AAAL Graduate Student Council Spring 2017 Newsletter, 8-9.


Rajendram, S. (2015). Play-based learning in kindergarten programs: Analysis of curriculum documents in four Canadian provinces. Early  Childhood Education Unit (ECEU) Spring 2015 Newsletter, 4.

Selected Conference Presentations

Paper Presentations

Rajendram, S., Wong, W., Burton, J., & Bale, J. (2022, May). Examining teacher candidates' translanguaging and multilteracies orientations and pedagogical knowledge in supporting multilingual learners' writing. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference 2022.


Rajendram, S., Jun, J., & Shi, W. (2022, May). Translanguaging in higher education: Perspectives and experiences of international graduate students from the Global South. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 50th Annual Conference 2022.


Rajendram, S., Burton, J., Wong, W., & Bale, J. (2022, March). Preparing teacher candidates to support multilingual learners in their writing through translanguaging and multiliteracies. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2022 Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.


Mendoza, A., Rajendram, S. (2022, March). CACTI: Raising English-medium K-12 teachers’ awareness of language practices with a professional development survey instrument. In A. Mendoza & S. Rajendram (Colloquium organizers). Negotiation of (conflicting) repertoires and stances in K-12 translanguaging spaces. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2022 Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.


Rajendram, S. (2021, August). Rethinking and resisting English-only policies through translanguaging in Malaysian classrooms. In P. Sah & P. Phyak (Colloquium organizers). English-Medium Instruction (EMI) policy in Asia: Unsettling language ideologies and plurilingual/translingual pedagogies. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Planning and Policy (LPP) Conference 2021.


Gagné, A., Le Pichon-Vorstman, E., Rajendram, S., & Wattar, D. (2021, June). Digital Me Mapping with newcomer youth and their future teachers. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference 2021.


Bale, J., Gagné, A., Kerekes, J., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Brubacher, K., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W., & Zhang, Y. (2021, May). More than “just good teaching”: Centering multilingual learners and countering racism in Canadian teacher education. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference 2021.


Rajendram, S., & Shi, W., (2021, May). Supporting international graduate students’ academic language development through online & hybrid communities of practice. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference 2021.


Bale, J., Brubacher, K., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Rajendram, S., & Wong, W. (2021, May). Getting beyond translanguaging as pedagogy. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference 2021.


Bale, J., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W. (2021, May). Who are multilingual learners in Ontario imagined to be? Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference 2021.


Kerekes, J., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Zhang, Y. (2021, April). Preparing teacher candidates to support multilingual earners: Insights from the field. 2021 Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) Conference.


Bale, J., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W. (2021, April). Who are multilingual learners in Ontario imagined to be? 2021 Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) Conference.


Burton, J., & Rajendram, S. (2021, April). Enacting a translanguaging-as-resource orientation in higher education: Ideological, pedagogical, and institutional challenges and opportunities. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Virtual Conference.


Kerekes, J., Zhang, Y., & Rajendram, S. (2021, April). An action research approach to academic English for international graduate students. 9th International Conference on Second Language Pedagogies [Virtual conference].


Bale, J., Gagné, A., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Brubacher, K., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W., & Zhang, Y. (2021, April). More than “just good teaching”: Centering multilingual learners and countering racism in Canadian teacher education. 2021 Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) Conference. (Featured event)


Bale, J., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W. (2021, March). Who are multilingual learners imagined to be? American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference.


Govindarajoo, M., & Rajendram, S. (2021, March). Young Adult Literature in the Malaysian English language classroom: Exploring reader responses. 11th Malaysia International Online Conference on Languages, Literatures & Cultures [Virtual conference].


Theaker, N., Burton, J., & Rajendram, S. (2021, March). Challenges and opportunities in enacting a translanguaging-as-resource orientation in university ESL classrooms. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference.


Bale, J., Gagné, A., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Brubacher, K., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W., & Zhang, Y. (2021, March). Mainstream teacher education and linguistically-responsive teaching: Critical perspectives on teacher-candidate learning about supporting multilingual learners. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference.


Rajendram, S. (2019, December). The cognitive, linguistic, sociocultural and affective affordances of student-led collaborative translanguaging in the elementary classroom. Multilingual and Multicultural Learning: Policies and Practices 2019 Conference, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.


Rajendram, S., & Burton, J. (2019, June). “Live your Life in English": University ESL instructors' language orientations and attitudes towards translanguaging. Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA/CAAL) Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.


Gagné, A., Brubacher, K., Nii Owoo, M. A., Rajendram, S., & Wong, W., LePichon-Vortsman, E., & Palta, Z. (2019, June). Creating linguistic and cultural portraits with diverse English Learners. Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) XLVII Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2019, April). Translanguaging as collaborative pedagogy: Affordances of translanguaging for scaffolding collaborative learning in the multilingual classroom. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Kerekes, J., Nii Owoo, M. A., & Rajendram, S. (2019, April). Teachers’ take on the needs of English Learners (ELs) and teacher education for supporting ELs. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2019, February). “Our country has gained independence, but we haven’t”: The affordances of translanguaging in an English-only context. Joseph P. Farrell Student Research Symposium 2019, OISE, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Masson, M., Rajendram, S., & Larson, E. J. (2018, October). The politics of collaboration: Developing researcher praxis through artful inquiry. Artful Inquiry Research Group (AIRG) 2018 Symposium, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Burton, J. & Rajendram. S., (2018, August). The language orientations of English as a Second Language (ESL) instructors and their pedagogical implications for classroom language policy. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning (LPP) conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2018, May). The role of translanguaging in scaffolding collaborative learning among English language learners in a Malaysian elementary school. Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) 2018 Conference, Ottawa, ON, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2018, April). Translanguaging in the English-only classroom: Potential for collaborative language learning. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York, NY, United States.


Burton, J., & Rajendram. S. (2018, April). Instructors’ attitudes towards linguistic diversity in the university classroom. OISE Graduate Student Research Conference, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram S. (2018, March). Scaffolding collaborative language learning in multilingual ESL classrooms through translanguaging. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2018 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.


Eisazadeh, N., & Rajendram, S. (2017, November). The affordances of a digital storytelling activity: Drawing on young children’s funds of knowledge about technology. Literacy Research Association 67th Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, United States.  


Eisazadeh, N., & Rajendram, S. (2017, November). Drawing on children’s funds of knowledge through digital storytelling. Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies (CERLL) Informal Seminar Series, OISE, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram. S., Larson, E., & Sinclair, J. (2017, August). Gatekeepers of academia: University admissions policies and English language proficiency tests. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning (LPP) Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Masson, M., Rajendram, S., & Larson, E. (2017, May). Negotiating collaboration among researchers in higher education: Aiming for ‘researcher praxis’. Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Eisazadeh, N., Rajendram, S., & Stagg Peterson, S. (2017, May). Young Indigenous children’s verbal and non-verbal communication in play contexts. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Karram Stephenson, G., & Rajendram, S. (2017, March). Expanding access while narrowing outcomes: The paradox of Malaysia’s International Branch-campuses. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 61st Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.


Rajendram, S. (2017, March). Translanguaging to collaborate: The role of learners’ shared languages in scaffolding learning during collaborative interactions. Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies Informal Seminar Series, OISE, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Stagg Peterson, S., Portier, C., Eisazadeh, N., & Rajendram, S. (2016, December). Indigenous children’s use of language during play in rural northern Canadian kindergarten classrooms. Literacy Research Association 66th Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, United States.


Stagg Peterson, S., Eisazadeh, N., Rajendram, S., & Portier, C. (2016, June). Social purposes of young children’s language in dramatic and block play in northern rural and Indigenous Canadian classrooms. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada.


Rajendram, S., Sinclair, J., Larson, E., & Masson, E. (2016, April). Language tests at the gates of academia: Student narratives about English language proficiency assessments. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2016 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, United States.


Rajendram, S. (2016, April). An exploration of ESL learners’ aesthetic and critical responses to literature through films in English and the L1 within a multiliteracies pedagogy. 16th OISE Graduate Student Research Conference, OISE, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram, S., Sinclair, J., Masson, E., & Larson, E. (2016, April). Understanding international graduate students’ language testing experience through narrative inquiry. 16th OISE Graduate Student Research Conference, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Masson, E., Rajendram, S., Sinclair, J., & Larson, E. (2016, February). A collaborative approach to narrative inquiry interviews and analysis. Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies Informal Seminar Series, OISE, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.



Conference Symposia, Colloquia & Workshops 

Rajendram, S. (2021, August). Rethinking and resisting English-only policies through translanguaging in Malaysian classrooms. In P. Sah & P. Phyak (Colloquium organizers). English-Medium Instruction (EMI) policy in Asia: Unsettling language ideologies and plurilingual/translingual pedagogies. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Planning and Policy (LPP) Conference 2021.


Gagné, A., Le Pichon-Vorstman, E., Rajendram, S., & Wattar, D. (2021, June). Digital Me Mapping with newcomer youth and their future teachers. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference 2021.


Bale, J., Gagné, A., Kerekes, J., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Brubacher, K., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W., & Zhang, Y. (2021, May). More than “just good teaching”: Centering multilingual learners and countering racism in Canadian teacher education. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference 2021.


Bale, J., Gagné, A., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Brubacher, K., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W., & Zhang, Y. (2021, April). More than “just good teaching”: Centering multilingual learners and countering racism in Canadian teacher education. 2021 Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) Conference. (Featured event)


Bale, J., Gagné, A., Rajendram, S., Adjetey-Nii Owoo, M., Brubacher, K., Burton, J., Larson, E. J., Wong, W., & Zhang, Y. (2021, March). Mainstream teacher education and linguistically-responsive teaching: Critical perspectives on teacher-candidate learning about supporting multilingual learners. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference.


Gagné, A., Brubacher, K., Nii Owoo, M. A., Rajendram, S., & Wong, W., LePichon-Vortsman, E., & Palta, Z. (2019, June). Creating linguistic and cultural portraits with diverse English Learners. Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) XLVII Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.


Gagné, A., Brubacher, K., Nii Owoo, M. A., Rajendram, S., & Wong, W. (2019, April). Creating linguistic portraits with diverse English Learners. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Bale, J., Gagné, A., Kerekes, J., Brubacher, K., Nii Owoo, M. A., Rajendram, S., & Wong, W. (2019, May). Learning to support ELLs: Taking up the QUEST. Celebrating Linguistic Diversity (CLD) Annual Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. (Featured Workshop)


Rajendram, S., Wong, W., & Burton, J. (2019, March). Supporting English Language Learners through multilingual storytelling and writing activities. TESOL 2019 International Convention & English Language Expo, Atlanta, GA, United States.


Bale, J., Gagné, A., Kerekes, J., Brubacher, K., Nii Owoo, M. A., Rajendram, S., & Wong, W. (2018, April). What do all teachers really need to know about supporting ELLs? Celebrating Linguistic Diversity (CLD) Annual Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Eisazadeh, N., & Rajendram, S. (2018, February). Culturally responsive play-based activities in the classroom. Indigenous Education Conference at Niagara University in Ontario, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Grabke, S., Fricker, T., Rajendram, S., & Soliman, H. (2017, May). OISE: What’s It Like For You? Creating a survey on student experience.  In R. Childs (Chair), All of the above? Collecting and using data about student experience. Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) Conference, Toronto, ON.


Masson, M., Ng, T., Rajendram, S., Nomura, T., & Wong, W. (2017, March). Innovative multilingual teaching approaches for diverse classrooms. Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association (OMLTA) Spring Conference, International Plaza Hotel, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Eisazadeh, N., & Rajendram, S. (2017, January). Writing stories one click, tweet and post a time. TESL Toronto Technology for Teachers (T4T) Mini-conference, Trinity College, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram, S. & Eisazadeh, N. (2016, January). Creative storytelling with technology. TESL Toronto Technology for Teachers (T4T) Mini-conference, OISE, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram, S. & Larson, E. (2015, March). Storytelling 2.0: Storytelling for the Facebook generation. 15th Annual Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference, OISE, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram, S., & Govindarajoo, M. V. (2013, November). Once Upon an i-Time: Storytelling in the modern ESL classroom. International Conference on English Language Teaching. Melaka, Malaysia. (Featured event)

Invited Presentations & Workshops

Rajendram, S., Burton, J., Wong, W., & Bale, J. (2022, January). Preparing teachers to support multilingual learners through translanguaging and multiliteracies pedagogies in K-12 classrooms. Invited talk for the Centre for Educational Research in Language and Literacies (CERLL) Teatime Research Circle Talk, OISE, University of Toronto.


Rajendram, S. (2021, November). Education beyond the new normal: Balancing technology and humanity. Invited forum panelist for the International Conference on Education (INCOED 2021), UNITAR International University, Malaysia.


Rajendram, S. (2021, October). Benefits of using the L1 in the L2 classroom through translanguaging. Invited speaker for the Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) Special Interest Group (SIG) Bureau Webinar Series.


Rajendram, S. (2021, September). Translanguaging in content area language and literacy development. Invited featured speaker for the International Literacy Association (ILA) Intensive: Supporting Multilingual Learners with Translanguaging Strategies.


Rajendram, S. (2021, August). Translanguaging and its implications for research and pedagogy. 890-512 Current Issues in Applied English Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.


Rajendram, S. (2020, November). Teacher competencies: The new normal. Invited forum panelist for the International Conference on Social Sciences & Information Technology (INSITE 2020), UNITAR International University, Malaysia.


Gagné, A., & Rajendram, S. (2020, November). Preparing teacher candidates to support K-12 English learners through digital ‘Me Mapping.’ Invited presentation for the EducLang Seminar Series, University of Ottawa, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2020, February). Translanguaging in multilingual settings as critical pedagogy. Invited presentation for CTL3008 Critical Pedagogy, Language and Cultural Diversity, Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, OISE, University of Toronto, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2020, February). “Like a bird in a cage”: Translanguaging as agentive and transformative for minoritized language learners. Invited presentation for Plurilingual Lab, BILD Research & McGill DISE Research Talks Series, McGill University, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2020, February). Translanguaging in multilingual settings as critical pedagogy. CTL3008 Critical Pedagogy, Language and Cultural Diversity, Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, OISE, University of Toronto, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2019, February). Using mobile and web apps to create interactive and collaborative lessons. Invited workshop for EC&I871AH Methods & Curriculum in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, University of Regina, Canada.


Rajendram, S., & Wong, W. (2019, January). Creative writing activities to support multilingual language learners in K-12 classrooms. Invited workshop for the Second Language Education Cohort Professional Learning Community, University of Ottawa, Canada.


Rajendram, S., Wong, W., & Burton, J. (2018, October). Multilingual writing activities for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Invited workshop for ED9300 Understanding Second Language Learning & Teaching, Western University, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2018, November). Using mobile and web apps as interactive learning tools in the classroom. International Foundation Program Professional Development event, New College, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2018, October). English for Academic Purposes. Invited presentation for DLS3103 English for Specific Purposes, University of Ottawa, Canada.


Rajendram, S. (2017, November). Talking together, learning together: The role of English Language Learners’ home languages in supporting collaborative learning. Invited presentation for CTL3810 Second Language Classroom Research Methods, Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, OISE, University of Toronto, Canada.


Rajendram S.  (2013, August). Professional development: Challenges of a beginning teacher. Invited presentation for the B. Ed Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Programme, International Languages Teacher Training Institute, Malaysia.


Rajendram S.  (2013, January). Creative language teaching. Invited workshop for the Post-Graduate Teaching Diploma TESL Programme, Special Education Teacher Training Institute, Malaysia.


Rajendram S.  (2011, November). Using storytelling in the English language classroom. Invited workshop for the B. Ed Year 4 Enrichment Programme, International Languages Teacher Training Institute, Malaysia.

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© 2020 by Shakina Rajendram, PhD

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